Thursday, June 11, 2009
My Best TBQ Buddy would like to tell you......
That he won all the brawl matches at his house. He wanted me to put it in there since I told you guys how bad I beat him the time before. My apologies for holding back information about the sleepover..... but it is my site.
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I just can't wait tell nationals man. I just can't. I, I just cant do it man.
Its going to be a brawlothon every night.
I just can't wait tell nationals. I'm sorry about that but I just can't. Ya now what I'm saying man.
It going to be a brawlothon every and all night long.
You bet. (just for my sake, I hope there are no coffee tables or any hard funriture near the tv.)
Guys, you know Coach will never let you do that!
Alright, abyaithar, you are such a copy cat. I'm anonymous girl not you! And coach is gonna let us play, HE DOESN'T HAVE TO KNOW, DOES HE?
Don't worry, I'll tell him about this sceme tomorrow. :o)
Oh yeah, and my name is spell Abiathar.
You think your smart, don't you? I's already told him. Im not gonna be there tomorrow have other plans.
Oh that's too bad you won't be there tomorrow, I wanted to confront you face-to-face. And no, I don't think I'm smart. =D
And one more thing: I didn't use "anonymous" to copy you, I don't have a blog name so I used that.
I know a GREAT BLOG NAME: ABiathar :)
Haha, you probably would've. I'm not very good at smart-mouthing. :o)
By the way, have you been studying the concordance alot, anonymous? It's essential for Nationals. Yesterday I went through probably over two hundred concordance questions.
Hey Amiathar, I gotta go. But I got somethin to keep you busy. go look at this
Tell me whatcha think when your done watching the videos
I typed in what you said, but then the screen says "we cannot find what you are looking for."
Wierd, see you tuesday.
Don't feel bad for cutting class, I was an hour late because I had to go to a JBQ event.
By the way, I finally figured out how to watch the videos. They were pretty cool.
Glad you liked them.
How can satan drive out satan?
Teacher, we know you are a man of integrity. Why are you trying to trap me?
Take courage! and tell me!
Do Nathan like leaving you Emails because he left you a lot.
Most of the time ya`ll been talking about other things.No wait that was a fuss of other things I don`t even know what I am talking about Anonymous.Is your name pronounce(Autonomous)?
If it is tell me at my blog tomorrow.
The one who has been posting alot is not Nathan, it's me, Abiathar. :o)
Who is altar or what is altar
post back Mon,Om ego,senior,people,what am i saying.
Oh you were acting like Nathan.
Alter??????? Are you refering to "Abiathar"? If so, that is my nickname
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