Monday, March 16, 2009

There's A Light At The End Of This Tunnel...

Today, my father got the email inviting my team to the regional TBQ competition. So that makes me feel a lot better. All that hard work paid off. Well, I'm ready to tackle the regional ...... Hey everyone, watch out, VLC's coming to town.


Unknown said...

Well congrats!!!!! Now you've made it and you have nothing to worry about.

Pony Express

DTH Rocket said...

Way to go!

(I must have missed a few posts, but what's a TBQ competition anyway?)

Anonymous said...

Thank you, thank you. To answer your question DTH, TBQ stands for Teen Bible Quiz. TBQ is a ministry where you memorize parts of the bible. For instance, last year we memorized Galations, Ephesians, Phillipians,Colosians, and Philemon. This year we are memorizing the gospel of Mark. It is kinda like jeopardy, except you are answering questions about the book or books of the bible you ar studying.

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